The organizer of the "MAGA Convoy" — which is trying to capitalize on the "Liberty Convoy" trucker protests confronting COVID restrictions in Canada — hopes that former President Donald Trump and his sons will speak at rallies starting from later this calendar month.

The American version of the protestation is named afterwards the controversial political slogan "brand America great once more," which was used most recently by Trump, but also previously by Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton. Trump has previously voiced his support for the Canadian truckers' movement.

The MAGA convoy is fix to begin in Los Angeles from Feb 25 and work its way to Washington D.C. "with many stops in between," according to the organizers.

One of them, Dion Cini, gave an interview to Newsweek on Monday. It isn't the starting time fourth dimension Cini has organised events associated with Trump – he's the organizer of OperationFlagDrop and Boaters for Trump.

Asked whether he wants to Trump to speak at the convoy, Cini said: "Once we get a piffling bit of steam on this, and we get some momentum, which nosotros will – apparently I'yard sure President Trump, [Donald Trump] Inferior and Eric volition all be speaking about what we're trying to achieve hither."

The purpose of the MAGA convoy, Cini said, is "far greater than just mandates," but virtually "American freedom in general". He said Americans are having their freedoms "stripped away" because of mask mandates and shutdowns, which are "a forerunner of the bigger things to come up."

Cini said that he hopes that the convoy goes on for months, and will be in Washington D.C. during the midterm elections in November. However, he didn't rule out them getting to D.C. before then. In that location were some early reports suggesting that a convoy could kickoff terminal weekend in Los Angeles when the Super Basin was on and cease up in D.C. on March 1, when Biden makes his State-of-the-Union address. Cini said that arriving and then would exist "a bad time" politically.

Asked whether he thought holding the convoy during the midterms would stop people voting, Cini said: "Information technology doesn't thing."

"At that point if we can get that same momentum that we got for our 70 one thousand thousand votes [in the 2020 ballot], we got ten, 11 one thousand thousand [more] votes last time, if we can't get momentum going past starting now, it doesn't matter. If we [conservatives] don't do it, then we lose."

Building Momentum

Cini said he wants the convoy to be peaceful, but he hopes it gets the momentum going "that the FBI and the authorities took from united states of america in January 6th". On that appointment in 2021, Trump supporters stormed the Capitol Edifice in Washington D.C. in riots that left v people dead and at least 138 injured. Iv officers who responded to the attack died by suicide inside seven months of information technology.

So far, the convoy has raised $half dozen,250 in donations, according to its website. The donations volition go toward supplying the drivers and support staff with fuel for travel and warmth. They will also fund water, food, shelter, legal and fiscal assist. Cini said that he wants to somewhen heighten "$15 million to $twenty meg," merely said this would be over some time as U.S. truckers "are making a lot of money right now" and don't demand the same fiscal support every bit the Canadian ones.

Asked whether he was inspired by the Canadian movement, Cini said: "I'm not inspired by what the Canadians are doing. I'm sort of using it as leverage. Nosotros're taking what they're doing and making it worth taking what they're doing and making it ameliorate. Bolder like the like the American people do."

The convoy originally began as a grouping of angry truckers in Western Canada who organized a protestation against COVID restrictions, brought in on Jan twenty, for unvaccinated truckers crossing the Canada-U.S. border, whereby they would have to become tested for the virus and quarantine themselves upon returning to Canada.

The truckers descended on Ottawa on January 28 and blocked the urban center'south primary roads, causing anarchy and disruption for the concluding two weeks.

At that place have been multiple arrests in connectedness with the convoy. There have also been protests at the edge with the United states of america. The Canada Edge Services Bureau and White House said that late Sunday, the Ambassador Span border crossing between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, had been reopened later Freedom Convoy protesters blocked information technology.

The original Canadian convoy galvanized countries worldwide to emulate the protests.

"If nosotros can't practice it now, we can't do information technology ever," Cini said. "So I'thousand going to leverage all these movements. I'm going to gather all these groups, these groups together. And we're going to fight like hell."

MAGA convoy truck
A photo of a truck from the MAGA Convoy website. The move hopes to draw on the Canadian truckers' movement, which protested against vaccine mandates brought in by Prime Government minister Justin Trudeau.